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  1. #1
    ssol ssol's Avatar
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    northwestern ontario canada

    best service ever and always

    so i mention in a post about studs for my 2 in spacers and what shows up in my mail? 4 studs all the way to canada no bill now thats why we all love and respect james and nikki i of course will reciprocate with a christmas card with what i believe i owe as this my way any one who have dealt with jbs knows their generosity and huge hearts bless them
    2013 camo 700 jbs sheave,purple spring,2" lift 27" big horns heater,horn stereo,alum roof,warn winch,windshield front and rear snow plow,dyntec,JBS rad and rear mud guards rzr seats with 4 pt harnesses power steering txs to james and nikki and a long list of wants----- my first quad was a 230 timberjack

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  3. #2
    fabricator Fabricator's Avatar
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    Nova Scotia Canada In beautiful Mahone Bay
    well said, they are two great people.

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  5. #3
    THAT GUY deuceswild's Avatar
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    Central Va.
    Wait until you get the next package with a stud in it. As soon as I'm done typing my wife will put the tape on and just so you know dollar bills are fine for payment.. Lol Honestly I don't know how you beat JBS!! You call and ask a question and the parts seem like they are gone before you hang up? I had a front end problem (bent spindle) and couldn't figure it out. James had everything I needed to make sure I didn't miss the ride in Oct. Hell he brought parts for the carnage on the ride. Hands down the BEST people to buy parts from! Disreguard the the parts and hands down the best people you could EVER hope to meet!!!! If you arent dealing with them you are doing yourself a serious disservice!!! Like J-me thank you Davis family!!!

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  7. #4
    THAT GUY deuceswild's Avatar
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    Got another one for ya. Pinnacle creek ride, I told James I couldn't make it cause I needed back brakes he said bring it and we will put them in before the ride. Fair enough right? 2 O'clock in the morning before the ride he's putting in my brakes and rigging up a windshield cause he knew it was going to be cold and I didn't have one. Am I sucking nuts? NO!!! I know people when I see them!! They are the real deal!! Besides Nikki would probably beat my ass if I tried? Lol if James recommends a part take the advice!! If he says it's good it has honestly had the hell beat out of it and passed! They ride the shit out of there bikes and if it doesn't break under Santa it will do just fine for you! Lol

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  9. #5
    Super Moderator Yotehunter66's Avatar
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    Clayton, Mi
    Awesome. That's what makes this bunch of guys, and gals Mrs. HotRod, on this forum special.
    Commander 1000
    Kawasaki Prairie 400
    Suzuki Ozark 250
    Suzuki 230
    F-250 6.0 Diesel

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  11. #6
    James is the best. One day I was having a bad day at work and James sent me a quart of apple pie.

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  13. #7
    Administrator WV Hot Rod Rhino's Avatar
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    Mount Hope, West Virginia, United States
    Quote Originally Posted by TBONE21 View Post
    James is the best. One day I was having a bad day at work and James sent me a quart of apple pie.
    i told you that you would have them days after you bought that canned
    James Davis
    If you have questions call me!!!
    Check out our web
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    Ship to - 131 Davis Ct., Mt. Hope, WV 25880

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  15. #8
    JBFIREMAN's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    NICE,Back some years ago James and his super wife sent me some parts after I had talk to james and I will be for ever greatful for what they do to help a guy out,He is always respectful and Niki, I must say that the saying about (behind every good man is a good woman) like her rings so true
    Last edited by JBFIREMAN; 11-30-2014 at 08:20 AM. Reason: missing word


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