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  1. #1
    madmax 1's Avatar
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    frostburg md

    new 3x3 cubes from Flimmy

    got some new 3x3 cubes from Flimmy yesterday they look real nice , thanks for the fast shipping and great price, i'll post up some pics later , mick
    07 camo 660,yoshi duals,kms intake,dynatec cdi,jet kit, montana jack f&r winch mount,w/ warn xt40, 27" bighorns,2" lift, cab with summit heater,aux red top optima, 5 bad ass jrt's on board,itp ss 212s, jbs sheave,14 gr. wts,orange spring, 40 " led light bar, autometer guages,equus tach,innovate afm, jensen ms30 ,jbl 6.5s, elka stage 1 shocks, kenwood 2way radio, alpine ktp445u amp, led headlight mod,twisted stitch harnesses,pro1 doors, 60 amp alternator,power steering, pc925 battery

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  3. #2
    madmax 1's Avatar
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    Dec 2013
    frostburg md
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SN850795 (1280x960) (2).jpg 
Views:	356 
Size:	88.7 KB 
ID:	4728 looks a lot better than my big hellas converted to hids ,lights seem really bright just haven't had them out at night yet, just lit up in the basement they seem bright as hell
    07 camo 660,yoshi duals,kms intake,dynatec cdi,jet kit, montana jack f&r winch mount,w/ warn xt40, 27" bighorns,2" lift, cab with summit heater,aux red top optima, 5 bad ass jrt's on board,itp ss 212s, jbs sheave,14 gr. wts,orange spring, 40 " led light bar, autometer guages,equus tach,innovate afm, jensen ms30 ,jbl 6.5s, elka stage 1 shocks, kenwood 2way radio, alpine ktp445u amp, led headlight mod,twisted stitch harnesses,pro1 doors, 60 amp alternator,power steering, pc925 battery

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  5. #3
    madmax 1's Avatar
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    frostburg md
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SN850796 (1280x960).jpg 
Views:	379 
Size:	74.1 KB 
ID:	4729 my windshield is filthy ,might need some fender flares next, where does it all end, lol
    07 camo 660,yoshi duals,kms intake,dynatec cdi,jet kit, montana jack f&r winch mount,w/ warn xt40, 27" bighorns,2" lift, cab with summit heater,aux red top optima, 5 bad ass jrt's on board,itp ss 212s, jbs sheave,14 gr. wts,orange spring, 40 " led light bar, autometer guages,equus tach,innovate afm, jensen ms30 ,jbl 6.5s, elka stage 1 shocks, kenwood 2way radio, alpine ktp445u amp, led headlight mod,twisted stitch harnesses,pro1 doors, 60 amp alternator,power steering, pc925 battery

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  7. #4
    fabricator Fabricator's Avatar
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    Looks great. Thats the problem, it never ends and when you think your done something new comes out and it starts all over again. Thats why the wifey tells me, I should have married the rhino.
    09 734 sport, ported, jbs sheave, 16 gram, purple spring, slugged, cam, full muzzy, hi-flow injector, msd 3d, wicked built rack, cognito spindles, hid / rigid industries led lighting, 26" bear claw radials, 2 inch spacers all round, homemade hood rack, doors, bed rails. Always doing more.

  8. #5
    Super Moderator Yotehunter66's Avatar
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  9. #6
    rodneygt's Avatar
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    Summit, MS
    I've got some cheapo 16w 3x3 and they put out a lot of light so those 18w (?) ones you have ought to really be bright. I mounted mine in a similar location with some a-pillar brackets I made. How did you mount those?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	sideview.jpg 
Views:	350 
Size:	77.0 KB 
ID:	4730
    2011 Commander XT 1000

    2006 660 Special Edition (Sold)
    Had lots of neat stuff...

  10. #7
    madmax 1's Avatar
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    specs say 30watt and 3000 lumen look really bright , have a clamp that wraps around the cage tube that it's mounted to
    07 camo 660,yoshi duals,kms intake,dynatec cdi,jet kit, montana jack f&r winch mount,w/ warn xt40, 27" bighorns,2" lift, cab with summit heater,aux red top optima, 5 bad ass jrt's on board,itp ss 212s, jbs sheave,14 gr. wts,orange spring, 40 " led light bar, autometer guages,equus tach,innovate afm, jensen ms30 ,jbl 6.5s, elka stage 1 shocks, kenwood 2way radio, alpine ktp445u amp, led headlight mod,twisted stitch harnesses,pro1 doors, 60 amp alternator,power steering, pc925 battery

  11. #8
    rodneygt's Avatar
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    Summit, MS
    That's some serious light. I have one of those 16w cubes on each a pillar and 2 4" 18w floods on my bumper which should be putting out per side about what your cubes are per side. I can't think you'll be anything but impressed when you get it out at night. And to me, the cubes just look good in the area you mounted them.
    2011 Commander XT 1000

    2006 660 Special Edition (Sold)
    Had lots of neat stuff...

  12. Thanks madmax 1 thanked for this post
  13. #9
    ssol ssol's Avatar
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    northwestern ontario canada
    nice mick wish i could but up here all the bush burnin we come across would destroy them first ride out want some of flimmy,s lights just gotta find a safe spot
    2013 camo 700 jbs sheave,purple spring,2" lift 27" big horns heater,horn stereo,alum roof,warn winch,windshield front and rear snow plow,dyntec,JBS rad and rear mud guards rzr seats with 4 pt harnesses power steering txs to james and nikki and a long list of wants----- my first quad was a 230 timberjack

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  15. #10
    Vendor flimmy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ssol View Post
    nice mick wish i could but up here all the bush burnin we come across would destroy them first ride out want some of flimmy,s lights just gotta find a safe spot
    Mount them like James did on the hood.
    2016 YXZ Yellow SE

    old ride 2 11 Polaris RZR XP 900 White Lightning Edition all stock for now.

    old old ride. 06 JBS built 686 , Benachmark ported head , Falicon rod , JBS sheave , Alba pipe and fuel pump , custom cage , HID head lights , 26" GBC Dirt Tamers on SS212 wheels , Superwinch Terra 45 w/ Synthetic Rope , Dynatek CDI

  16. Thanks ssol thanked for this post


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