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  1. #1

    16' to 17' CVT Intake snorkle difference?

    I purchased a Barkers Dual Exhuast for my 17 Wolverine. They said it fits 16-17 Wolverines.

    Went to install it, and my machine has a plastic intake tube right along side the engine that runs to the CVT (all Yamaha Stock snorkel)

    The dual exhaust pipes are supposed to go where this intake is. Talked to Brad from Barkers and said the machine they designed it on didn't have that, and there must have been a change. Anyone else aware of this? I thought they were the same.

    Needless to say, Im sending it back, as Im not modifying something that works fine. what a mess.....
    2017 Yamaha Wolverine R-Spec SE

    -LED Headight bulbs, LED Fog Lights
    -SuperATV Half windshield, Smoked
    -Exhaust Tip Mod
    -K&N Air filter
    -AIS Blocked off
    -JBS Clutching, all the good stuff
    -JBS Radiator Gaurds
    -Alba Reflashed ECM
    -Bazooka Party Bar, with 10" Bazooka Amplified Marine Sub in Bed
    -EMP rear bumper

    More to come...

  2. #2
    Ridin' and Guidin' Timmi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    no difference in 2016 to 2018 I know of

    White Shadow " Wolverine X2
    JBS Performance Extreme Sheave
    JBS Performance Suspension Springs
    Team Alba Racing ECU
    Rigid Side Shooter Led
    Yamaha Cab Enclosure
    Bazooka Party Bar


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