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  1. #1

    2004 660 can't figure out cdi problem

    2004 660 rhino will not start on any aftermarket cdi boxes.runs fine on the original.but of course can not go as fast on original. I tried the aftermarket boxes on my neighbor's rhino and they all start and run fine.why won't mine start on one.its super strange like the aftermarket ones are turning off power to the coil. Anyone had issues like this before? Ps the aftermarket boxes will kick and run for 10 seconds periodically. The cdis that tried were Rick's hot/rmstator and 2 other cheep rev boxes work fine on my neighbor's bike but will not start mine

  2. #2
    Ridin' and Guidin' Timmi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    only thing I can think is to make sure you have good battery voltage for the aftermarket cdi to function

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